If you think you may be eligible for longshore harbor workers compensation, do yourself a favor and contact a good DBA attorney to help you navigate the bureaucracy. OWCP determined that the average weekly wage nationally is $647.60, but DBA lawyers can help you get far more than that if you are so entitled. You Defense Base Act attorney will be able to explain to you the Workers Compensation Act which protects an estimated 500,000 injured longshore and harbor workers as well as workers who have become ill due to occupational diseases on United States navigable waters and adjoining areas.
The Defense Base Act provides workers compensation protection to civilian workers who toil outside America on United States military bases as well as those who happen to be working under contract for public works or national defense purposes with the United States government. Thus, defense base act attorneys are also able to help these civilian and contract workers gain expatriate compensation if they are injured or become sick.
The Longshore and harbor workers compensation act has a number of intricacies that a lawyer can help you with. For example, there must be a three day waiting period until workers can claim their longshore harbor workers compensation payment. Your lawyer can also help you obtain longshore harbor workers compensation payments through your private insurance company.
Having a good attorney is a must for anyone needing to collect longshore harbor workers compensation. A terrific lawyer will be able to help you through the process of obtaining your longshore harbor workers compensation payments, and make sure that you get as much money for longshore harbor workers compensation as you deserve.
Can you recommend a good workers Comp lawyer? I definitely need one!
Do I have to pay the lawyer or is the lawyer paid for by the government?
Do I have to pay the lawyer or is the lawyer paid for by the government?
Do I have to pay the lawyer or is the lawyer paid for by the government?
Do I have to pay the lawyer or is the lawyer paid for by the government?
Do I have to pay the lawyer or is the lawyer paid for by the government?
Do I have to pay the lawyer or is the lawyer paid for by the government?