Rigging certification is just as important as it sounds. An astonishing 4,209 workers were killed on the job in 2011. Negligence on the job is a serious matter, and is often caused by workers not having proper training.
Construction safety risks are indeed hard to assess. This is because each one is different from the next, and a lot of jobs differ in certain ways. Material handling is one example. Companies do approach this differently and as such, injuries caused by them can be hard to pin down, though in 2009 construction jobs caused more fatal injuries than any other industry.
Fall protection training is another way to protect against on the job injuries. With any sort of training, the chance of an injury does diminish, no matter how small. According to OSHA, at least 1,000 construction workers suffer from injury on the job every year. Every little bit does help in this case, as OSHA training will no doubt point out.
Construction related accidents often occur because of faulty, substandard equipment. Having fall protection programs and other such training, including rigging certification and safety training in general, can drastically cut back on performance related injuries. If you are concerned about your workers, definitely look into these sorts of classes and programs.
Work places that care about their employees and the people who are sticking their necks out for their companies will be well rewarded by having workers with high work ethic. This will be brought on by the security they feel they have with their job. It can only be described as a win win, with no one getting hurt in the bargain.
Helpful links: www.certex.com