Over 286,000 women underwent a breast augmentation procedure in 2012, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, representing a 35% growth in the cosmetic procedure since 2000. Each woman gets breast implants for her own reasons. Some are looking to renew the self-image that they lost following a fight with cancer. Others simply want to feel that they are desirable; a feeling they never had with naturally small breasts. In most instances, seeking out breast implant procedures is about confidence.
However, as with any procedure, the decision to get breast augmentation should not be made lightly. For whatever breast implant options you consider, you need to know where to go to ensure an effective, safe procedure. For that, your only option is to seek out the best plastic surgeon for breast augmentation who is board certified.
Product Safety Concerns
On multiple occasions, certain breast implant manufacturers have raised the ire of safety regulators in the United States. In 1992, the FDA stopped the sale of silicone implants due to safety concerns. In 2006, the FDA, after reviewing extensive research, allowed Mentor and Allergan to begin the manufacture and sale of silicone breast implant options in the states once again. Some time later, Sientra, a third company, was approved to sell their implants as well. In 2011, however, scandal erupted once again when it was discovered tens of thousands of implants were made with industrial silicone instead of medical grade material that is safe for humans.
This points to a key issue that should be discussed in all breast implant information; safety. When looking for breast implant options and those for surgeons, you truly get what you pay for. Search out the best in your area to keep yourself safe.
Every Woman is Different
Breast sizes have been increasing in the West for the last 10 to 15 years. A large part of that is due to breast implants. However, even though the result may be the same, each procedure is a little different based on the woman involved. Consider, each woman has a different body type, different breast anatomy, and different health concerns to consider. Board certified surgeons are the only people qualified to help women make the safest decisions about their procedures. Do you want saline or silicone implants? What is a good size for you? Reputable surgeons can help you decide.
Education is Crucial
A crucial part to the success of any patient undergoing surgery is education. A qualified surgeon can explain what the costs of your procedure will be, the risks, and any other considerations. For example, some breast implant options can be completed on an outpatient basis. Others require an overnight stay. Your doctor can prepare you for all outcomes.
The most important part of any procedure is your safety. Subsequently, finding a board certified surgeon is the best way to determine what breast implant options are best for you. After you have gone through all of this trouble, be sure to find a great bra to protect your investment. After all, more than 80% of American women wear the wrong bra size, leading to improper support. To learn more, read this.