It is certainly hard to beat the comfort of a cool, crisp percale sheet. Perhaps the only thing better is a soft, cozy fleece blanket. They are even better when they are made from certified organic cotton. You may not detect any differences between certified organic and conventional cotton or mixed bedding. However, when you get to know the environmental and human health benefits of certified organic cotton production and you will not only understand why true organic cotton bedding is essential to creating a healthy bed, but you will even be surprised with the options available to you.
Numerous chemical processes are required to turn cotton fiber into fabric, many of which are not people and planet friendly. When processed via certified organic methods … during yarn prep, weaving, whitening, washing, finishing and dying — safer ingredients and more eco-friendly waste treatments replace conventional methods.
Shopping for organic bedding including mattress covers, sheets comforters and blankets will not actually be as difficult as you might think since there are so many choices these days when it comes to organic blankets. Fabrics created using natural fibers typically include cotton, bamboo, silk and wool in textiles, and latex and plant based foams in mattresses. You will be able to get all the benefits of organic blankets, organic bedding sheets, and organic mattresses without working too hard to find the best options.
Cotton is naturally breathable, soft material which offers excellent comfort in bedding products. Because of its popularity in textiles, cotton remains one of the most popular of fibers, comprising a considerable proportion of crops grown around the world. This is significant because cotton crops are currently responsible for 25% of insecticides and 10% of pesticides used internationally (Organic Trade Association). These chemicals affect the workers and water systems where they are used, as well as the end consumers. Organic cotton is grown using environmentally friendly, low-impact farming methods. To be considered organic, the material must be certified by valid, independent parties.
Producing cotton organically can be expensive, which accounts for the higher cost. While the quantity of organic cotton grown is increasing, it still accounts for a very small percentage of the world’s overall cotton production.
Bamboo is a type of grass native to tropical areas and popular for a variety of reasons. It grows extremely quickly, with less water than cotton, requiring little to no fertilizers and pesticides. The material drapes well and feels closer to silk than most other natural products yet provides breathability parallel to cotton. Organic blankets made of bamboo work to wick moisture away from the skin over 3 times faster than cotton, helping you sleep dry and cool. Bamboo is fairly new to the bedding market, but sheets and mattress textiles made of bamboo are growing in popularity with eco-conscious brands. You may also be familiar with bamboo fabrics under than name viscose rayon, which typically is often from bamboo pulp.
For more information see this: www.cozypure.com