No News Is Good News For the Boy Scouts

If you do a search for “boy scouts blog” right now you are going to find a lot of fascinating reporting about the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA of America has been in the news a great deal lately since they lifted some discriminatory policies. It should not come as a surprise then that any thing that happens with the Boy Scouts is going to be easily picked apart by the internet and by news stations for a little while longer. And yet, the search results are overwhelmingly negative.

A number of blogs are reporting that several members of the Boy Scouts were banned from participating in the annual Jamboree due to their BMI, or Body Mass Index. Apparently the jamboree is a very demanding physically and the BSA wanted to be sure that scouts were up to the task. Unfortunately, a Boy Scouts blog is hard to find and does not talk back to the criticism flying around the internet. Therefore, there is little defense portrayed except when the bloggers choose to include official statements from the BSA itself.

Naturally, there are still people talking about the latest vote to allow openly gay members to participate in Boy Scouts. There is still a great deal of push back coming from conservative and religious groups who are unhappy with this decision. As anyone who follows blogs on the internet knows, the traditional and the conservative bloggers have a lot of blogs under their umbrella. This makes for a great deal of negativity.

The BSA is very clearly trying to do its best to serve its members, but every policy comes under close scrutiny. Just last year when it ruled to ban the use of nicknames to avoid bullying it again suffered criticism.

If you feel like you showing your support for the BSA during this time, there is an official Boy scouts store where you can purchase everything from apparel, to literature, to stickers. With the Boy Scouts blog scene appearing to be so negative at this time, I would say BSA National could use all the help it can get.

Author: Julie

5 thoughts on “No News Is Good News For the Boy Scouts

  1. I went looking for their blog and it is all sunshine and puppies. Maybe the right thing to do is not to focus on the bad and only focus on the good? Maybe they are doing the right thing by not talking back on the internet?

  2. I went looking for their blog and it is all sunshine and puppies. Maybe the right thing to do is not to focus on the bad and only focus on the good? Maybe they are doing the right thing by not talking back on the internet?

  3. I went looking for their blog and it is all sunshine and puppies. Maybe the right thing to do is not to focus on the bad and only focus on the good? Maybe they are doing the right thing by not talking back on the internet?

  4. I went looking for their blog and it is all sunshine and puppies. Maybe the right thing to do is not to focus on the bad and only focus on the good? Maybe they are doing the right thing by not talking back on the internet?

  5. I went looking for their blog and it is all sunshine and puppies. Maybe the right thing to do is not to focus on the bad and only focus on the good? Maybe they are doing the right thing by not talking back on the internet?

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