When establishing any sort of business, it is not only crucial to determine what type of goods and services will be provided to the public, but also with what quality of care this will be executed. To help set a standard for themselves, many businesses will create a philosophy and a set of principals that they will strive to operate in accordance to from there on out. Along the markets of the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, one commercial real estate investment company is working under the philosophy and principals that it maintains. With the services of Chief Operating Officer Brian l katz, the company strives to uphold their philosophy and principals at all times.
As Chief Operating Officer, Brian L. Katz works to ensure the simple philosophy of the fully integrated, privately held real estate investment company. The company philosophy is to “Identify opportunity, manage risk, and create value.” Rather than acting as an advisor or a capital allocator, the real estate investment company acts solely as a principal, which is due largely to the efforts of Brian katz and the other leading members of the company. With his continuing service, Brian L Katz is striving to uphold the philosophies and principals of the real estate investment company that have guided it since its establishment.
it’s always a good idea for any sort of business to have a main philosophy.