Turnover Rates at Sales Companies are Notoriously High, Learn How to Beat the Odds

Hire a sales rep

Did you know that annual turnover rates at sales jobs can be as high as 40%? Sales is a pretty unforgiving field, and only a few people are cut out for it. Finding that select few is no easy task. How are more companies teaming up with a recruitment agency to find the best candidates to work in sales?

Starting with Core Requirements

Recruitment firms can help companies determine which skills are necessary from the very start. Some skills can be learned, and others cannot. Employees should know how to operate a computer and basic systems. It is not worth the time, or money, to train new hires on these fundamental skills. Companies using contact management programs need to hire tech savvy candidates.

Knowing What Can Be Learned

Genuine smiles and firm handshakes can help catch recruiters’ eyes, but confidence and experience are not necessary from the get go. Companies can equip employees with knowledge. A basic understanding of the core product or service, the competition, and sales tactics that work will give trainees a foundation to stand on. From there, seasoned sales reps can help mentor, or coach, new employees. Experience and confidence will come with time.

Sales is a tricky business. Companies can save valuable time by trusting a recruitment agency to weed out the best candidates. Recruitment agencies know what to look for, and the skills that can be easily acquired with a little effort and time.

Author: Julie

3 thoughts on “Turnover Rates at Sales Companies are Notoriously High, Learn How to Beat the Odds

  1. having worked a few sales jobs, i can definitely understand why turnover rates are high. some sales jobs are better than others, but some can be pretty tough and demanding, with less opportunities for commission and rewards. Finding the right fit is good for employees, too.

  2. Technical skills are a must in today’s society. It’s shocking to me how many people do not know how to use a computer. It’s also shocking to me that CEOs are sending out e-mails with tons of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Bosses should know this stuff.

  3. Technical skills are a must in today’s society. It’s shocking to me how many people do not know how to use a computer. It’s also shocking to me that CEOs are sending out e-mails with tons of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Bosses should know this stuff.

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